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PCI DSS Consultancy

If your organisation processes, stores or transmits cardholder data, then you must ensure you meet the requirements set by PCI DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.


Preparing for and maintaining your organisations compliance programme can be challenging and time consuming.


Our qualified PCI Professionals are here to help you navigate the requirements of the standard and its other facets such as Self Assessment Questionnaires (SAQ) and vulnerability scanning.


Our aim is to demystify compliance and help with the heavy lifting. Allowing you to implement best practice with minimal disruption to your organisation.

Review and audit - Are you about to embark upon a PCI-DSS compliance programme ? Would you like to verify the effectiveness of your existing framework ? 


Our qualified auditors can provide an independent review of your current compliance posture, detailing opportunities for improvement. 


If you are preparing to implement PCI-DSS, we can detail a road map for implementation vs your current readiness and infrastructure.

Implementation - Our friendly and experienced team are here to help with the implementation of your PCI DSS programme, helping your organisation to quickly fulfil the twelve requirements of the standard.


We can accelerate your timelines through the application of our expertise, experience and resources.


Areas we can assist with include:


  • Awareness training - Educating staff on the requirements of PCI DSS and their obligations to protect cardholder data.

  • Setting Scope - Managing the scope of your Cardholder Data Environment (CDE) and in particular reducing it, setting your scope correctly will influence the number of compliance tasks you will be committed to. Our experienced consultants can ensure your scope is set correctly so it remains valid whilst minimising any additional work.

  • Gap analysis and remediation  - Our consultants will undertake a detailed gap analysis of your organisations PCI DSS readiness. Providing detail of areas which require further work to become compliant and a pathway to remediation. We can also assist with remediation tasks, reducing complexity and workloads for staff whilst accelerating you to compliance.

  • Support with SAQ questionnaires - If your organisation is required to submit to self assessment annually, our experienced consultants can help you navigate the myriad of questions posed, re-mediate any gaps identified and prepare your documents for submission.

  • Vulnerability scanning - One key requirement of the standard is to perform quarterly scans of your internal / external network. Scans should also be undertaken when any significant changes to infrastructure are made. Our team can help with preparing, conducting and re-mediating scans and their results. We can also refer you to an appropriate Approved Scanning Vendor for your final scan.


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